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25 février 2016

TF1 Made in France journal de 20h

Les skis en bois séduisent de plus en plus de passionnés en quête d’un produit plus authentique. Dans les Alpes, des artisans élaborent ainsi des instruments de glisse sur mesure. L'avantage ? Ces produits écolo durent plus longtemps et le recyclage est plus facile.

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BEST of the ALPS 2015/2016

Vivre Son Rêve À Chamonix

Vivre son rêve demande beaucoup de détermination. C’est exactement ce que fait Peter Steltzner, artisan entrepreneur basé à Chamonix.

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Émission France 3 MIDI EN FRANCE




Revue de presse

MONOCLE ALPINO ISSUE 10, Winter Season 2014/2015 Made in Mont Blanc / Design

Altitude slickness. There’s more to Mont Blanc than the mountain, as these design and craft brands prove.

2/ Rabbit on the Roof

Bespoke skis
Rabbit_Monocle_Bas_Def_041_pte.jpgIt may be a particular name for a ski range but then Rabbit on the Roof is not your average maker. Unless you enter its chalet on the border of the Route des Praz you would never know what was going on inside: wooden skis being produced by hand.
Before becoming passionate about wood, California-born Peter Steltzner (pictured) worked in Paris, specializing in furniture-making. His love of the mountains and skiing led him to Chamonix six years ago, where he’s been making handcrafted bespoke skis ever since.
Designed as mountain tools, each pair requires hours of preparation at every step of production, from the sawing of ash logs to the final finish. With the help of partner Anati Graetz he sometimes grabs the wood from Chamonix’s forests and takes care of the whole production himself.
“The ash wood we use for the core is sawn here in the old sawmill” says Steltzner. The ski can be used for randonée , freeriding and telemark skiing: he adapt his creation to his clients’ wishes, tastes and ski level. But his skis can be as competitive as industrially produced ones and Rabbit on the Roof creations have won many freeride competitions, including the Derby de la Meije. Starting at 1100E the skis can last a lifetimeif taken care ofTo keep the Rabbits happy they should be oiled and waxed to let the wood breathe.





Détour en France juin 2014

Peter Steltzner /L’ébéniste des neiges

detour.jpgAvec sa barbichette et son sourire d’Américain cool, on le verrait bien guitariste d’un groupe de rock californien.
Peter Steltzner a beau venir de San Francisco, ce ne sont ni le surf, ni le skate qui l’ont amené à Chamonix, mais le ski. Après vingt ans d’ébénisterie, ce passionné de glisse (il pratique notamment le télémark) s’est spécialisé dans la confection de skis en bois haut de gamme. Dans son atelier, une ancienne scierie traditionnelle du hameau des Praz, il travaille toutes les essences d’arbres : frêne de la vallée, hêtre, châtaignier, merisier, et même palissandre ou bambou.
« Je porte une grande attention à la qualité de mes fibres en bois, que j’associe aux fibres techniques modernes. Mes skis procurent d’excellentes sensations de glisse. » Un artisanat d’exception destiné aux free-riders (amateurs de ski hors-piste), qui constituent le gros de sa clientèle.
« Je travaille paire après paire, et toutes sont différentes. Je fais parfois du sur-mesure. » On rêverait de chausser n’importe lesquels des skis alignés aux murs. Les plus beaux arborent de belles veinures couleur miel et sont graves à la gouge. De vrais objets d’art qui n’attendent que leur baptême de neige. Le prix : à partir de 1000 € la paire.



L'Officiel Hommes, Italia n° 9 autunno inverno 2013



Ci vogliono tre giorni per costruire un paio di sci da capo a fondo. Si comincia con il tronco di un albero della nostra valle, per arrivare al prodotto finale. Taglio, essicatura, curvatura: tutto è fatto a mano”. Peter Steltzner si è trasferito 25 anni fa da S. Francisco a Parigi e ha cominciato a costruire pezzi d’arredamento unici. Considerata l’elevata specificità dei manufatti, Steltzner lavora negli atelier più eleganti ed espone le sue creazioni presso le migliori gallerie. “In tutto questo tempo, sono riuscito a incontrare persone molto diverse tra loro, che sono state per me fonte d’ispirazione.E’ stato quasi come scoprire arti e mestieri antichi viaggiando in lungo e largo per il Paese. Dopo tutto questo tempo trascorso a Parigi, pero, ho deciso di trasferirmi a Chiamonix dove riesco a fare cio’ che amo: fabbricare sci e sciare”. Per trasportare le oltre venti tonnellate di attrezzature dal suo studio parigino, ci sono voluti due grandi camion. “Non mi guadagno completamente da vivere costruendo sci, ma ho la soddisfazione di usarli e di vederli ai piedi dei migliori sciatori del mondo.
Per questo sono un uomo felice”.



True to the core

Photo by Nicolas Joly
March 28. 2013
Rabbit on the Roof hand made skis
Chamonix, France


Hatched in the mountains, crafted here. They take the shape by gentle deduction. The hope is they form a lasting purpose. A refuge of sorts, this is the mplace to create meaning. - John Stifer